author, consultant, disease detective, wayfarer
One woman’s bold choice benefited millions of lives.
Cornelia E. Davis, MD, an African-American woman doctor, journeys to rural India in 1975 to help stamp out the last vestiges of smallpox on the planet. She would go on to work in twenty African and Asian countries in infectious diseases.

As a medical consultant, I have worked in thirty-four countries in Africa and Asia on infectious diseases such as smallpox eradication, malaria, immunizations, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, and meningitis. Adventure Travel has taken me to Tibet, Mongolia, and along The Silk Road. I particularly like “Places At the End of the Road.” I feel honored to have been able to witness and experience different cultures. I am just back from my return to Base Camp Mt Everest Nepal side in Nov 2022. Many changes at the base camp including the glacier rapidly melting!

Amazon’s Best Books of the Year
The incredible story of Dr. Connie’s journey in eradicating smallpox in India is now reimagined in the new book “Disrupter“!
Originally known as “Searching for Sitala Mata,” this narrative celebrates an African American woman doctor’s bold venture in 1975.
Now Available in Kindle, Paperback and Audiobook!
Live Without Regrets
Don’t Look Back and Wonder…What If!
An insightful, inspiring, and candid memoir from Cornelia (Connie) Davis, MD—
renowned epidemiologist (disease detective), author, and consultant,
in her third book, Risking Is Better Than Regretting: Live Without Regrets.
This electrifying collection of travel accounts is extracted from the adventures and
challenges she confronted in life. Her insights reflect on the Three C’s-
Choice, Chance, and Change.
A finalist for the Book Excellence Award 2023 under Self-Help Category